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Full-Color Press-Ready Recipe Pages

Soft Cover Prices

To find the base price of your book, scroll down the first column to the number of pages you want printed, then scroll across to the column indicating the number of books you plan to order.

Minimum order is 100 books. Quantities over 3000 available. Call for pricing.

Cost Per Book : $0.00

Suggested Selling Price: $0.00

Profit Per Book: $0.00

Minimum order is 100 books. Quantities over 3000 available. Call for pricing. Suggested Selling Price
Recipes Pages / Books Books 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 3000 Per Book Profit Per Book
Prices are subject to change. Prices effective January 1, 2021.
up to 66 6.20 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.25 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.05 4.00 3.95 3.90 9.50 3.30 - 5.60
68 6.26 4.66 4.56 4.46 4.36 4.31 4.26 4.21 4.16 4.11 4.06 4.01 3.96 9.65 3.39 - 5.69
70 6.32 4.72 4.62 4.52 4.42 4.37 4.32 4.27 4.22 4.17 4.12 4.07 4.02 9.80 3.48 - 5.78
72 6.38 4.78 4.68 4.58 4.48 4.43 4.38 4.33 4.28 4.23 4.18 4.13 4.08 9.95 3.57 - 5.87
74 6.44 4.84 4.74 4.64 4.54 4.49 4.44 4.39 4.34 4.29 4.24 4.19 4.14 10.10 3.66 - 5.96
76 6.50 4.90 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.55 4.50 4.45 4.40 4.35 4.30 4.25 4.20 10.25 3.75 - 6.05
78 6.56 4.96 4.86 4.76 4.66 4.61 4.56 4.51 4.46 4.41 4.36 4.31 4.26 10.40 3.84 - 6.14
80 6.62 5.02 4.92 4.82 4.72 4.67 4.62 4.57 4.52 4.47 4.42 4.37 4.32 10.55 3.93 - 6.23
82 6.68 5.08 4.98 4.88 4.78 4.73 4.68 4.63 4.58 4.53 4.48 4.43 4.38 10.70 4.02 - 6.32
84 6.74 5.14 5.04 4.94 4.84 4.79 4.74 4.69 4.64 4.59 4.54 4.49 4.44 10.85 4.11 - 6.41
86 6.80 5.20 5.10 5.00 4.90 4.85 4.80 4.75 4.70 4.65 4.60 4.55 4.50 11.00 4.20 - 6.50
88 6.86 5.26 5.16 5.06 4.96 4.91 4.86 4.81 4.76 4.71 4.66 4.61 4.56 11.15 4.29 - 6.59
90 6.92 5.32 5.22 5.12 5.02 4.97 4.92 4.87 4.82 4.77 4.72 4.67 4.62 11.30 4.38 - 6.68
92 6.98 5.38 5.28 5.18 5.08 5.03 4.98 4.93 4.88 4.83 4.78 4.73 4.68 11.45 4.47 - 6.77
94 7.04 5.44 5.34 5.24 5.14 5.09 5.04 4.99 4.94 4.89 4.84 4.79 4.74 11.60 4.56 - 6.86
96 7.10 5.50 5.40 5.30 5.20 5.15 5.10 5.05 5.00 4.95 4.90 4.85 4.80 11.75 4.65 - 6.95
98 7.16 5.56 5.46 5.36 5.26 5.21 5.16 5.11 5.06 5.01 4.96 4.91 4.86 11.90 4.74 - 7.04
100 7.22 5.62 5.52 5.42 5.32 5.27 5.22 5.17 5.12 5.07 5.02 4.97 4.92 12.05 4.83 - 7.13
102 7.28 5.68 5.58 5.48 5.38 5.33 5.28 5.23 5.18 5.13 5.08 5.03 4.98 12.20 4.92 - 7.22
104 7.34 5.74 5.64 5.54 5.44 5.39 5.34 5.29 5.24 5.19 5.14 5.09 5.04 12.35 5.01 - 7.31
106 7.38 5.78 5.68 5.58 5.48 5.43 5.38 5.33 5.28 5.23 5.18 5.13 5.08 12.50 5.12 - 7.42
108 7.42 5.82 5.72 5.62 5.52 5.47 5.42 5.37 5.32 5.27 5.22 5.17 5.12 12.65 5.23 - 7.53
110 7.46 5.86 5.76 5.66 5.56 5.51 5.46 5.41 5.36 5.31 5.26 5.21 5.16 12.80 5.34 - 7.64
112 7.50 5.90 5.80 5.70 5.60 5.55 5.50 5.45 5.40 5.35 5.30 5.25 5.20 12.95 5.45 - 7.75
114 7.54 5.94 5.84 5.74 5.64 5.59 5.54 5.49 5.44 5.39 5.34 5.29 5.24 13.10 5.56 - 7.86
116 7.58 5.98 5.88 5.78 5.68 5.63 5.58 5.53 5.48 5.43 5.38 5.33 5.28 13.25 5.67 - 7.97
118 7.62 6.02 5.92 5.82 5.72 5.67 5.62 5.57 5.52 5.47 5.42 5.37 5.32 13.40 5.78 - 8.08
120 7.66 6.06 5.96 5.86 5.76 5.71 5.66 5.61 5.56 5.51 5.46 5.41 5.36 13.55 5.89 - 8.19
122 7.70 6.10 6.00 5.90 5.80 5.75 5.70 5.65 5.60 5.55 5.50 5.45 5.40 13.70 6.00 - 8.30
124 7.74 6.14 6.04 5.94 5.84 5.79 5.74 5.69 5.64 5.59 5.54 5.49 5.44 13.85 6.11 - 8.41
126 7.78 6.18 6.08 5.98 5.88 5.83 5.78 5.73 5.68 5.63 5.58 5.53 5.48 14.00 6.22 - 8.52
128 7.82 6.22 6.12 6.02 5.92 5.87 5.82 5.77 5.72 5.67 5.62 5.57 5.52 14.15 6.33 - 8.63
130 7.86 6.26 6.16 6.06 5.96 5.91 5.86 5.81 5.76 5.71 5.66 5.61 5.56 14.30 6.44 - 8.74
132 7.90 6.30 6.20 6.10 6.00 5.95 5.90 5.85 5.80 5.75 5.70 5.65 5.60 14.45 6.55 - 8.85
134 7.94 6.34 6.24 6.14 6.04 5.99 5.94 5.89 5.84 5.79 5.74 5.69 5.64 14.60 6.66 - 8.96
136 7.98 6.38 6.28 6.18 6.08 6.03 5.98 5.93 5.88 5.83 5.78 5.73 5.68 14.75 6.77 - 9.07
138 8.02 6.42 6.32 6.22 6.12 6.07 6.02 5.97 5.92 5.87 5.82 5.77 5.72 14.90 6.88 - 9.18
140 8.06 6.46 6.36 6.26 6.16 6.11 6.06 6.01 5.96 5.91 5.86 5.81 5.76 15.05 6.99 - 9.29
142 8.10 6.50 6.40 6.30 6.20 6.15 6.10 6.05 6.00 5.95 5.90 5.85 5.80 15.20 7.10 - 9.40

Hardback Prices

To find the base price of your book, scroll down the first column to the number of pages you want printed, then scroll across to the column indicating the number of books you plan to order.

Minimum order is 100 books. Quantities over 3000 available. Call for pricing.

Cost Per Book : $0.00

Suggested Selling Price: $0.00

Profit Per Book: $0.00

Minimum order is 100 books. Quantities over 3000 available. Call for pricing. Suggested Selling Price
Recipes Pages / Books Books 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 3000 Per Book Profit Per Book
Prices are subject to change. Prices effective January 1, 2021.
up to 66 8.40 6.05 5.90 5.75 5.50 5.35 5.30 5.25 5.20 5.05 5.00 4.95 4.90 12.00 3.60 - 7.10
68 8.46 6.11 5.96 5.81 5.56 5.41 5.36 5.31 5.26 5.11 5.06 5.01 4.96 12.20 3.74 - 7.24
70 8.52 6.17 6.02 5.87 5.62 5.47 5.42 5.37 5.32 5.17 5.12 5.07 5.02 12.40 3.88 - 7.38
72 8.58 6.23 6.08 5.93 5.68 5.53 5.48 5.43 5.38 5.23 5.18 5.13 5.08 12.60 4.02 - 7.52
74 8.64 6.29 6.14 5.99 5.74 5.59 5.54 5.49 5.44 5.29 5.24 5.19 5.14 12.80 4.16 - 7.66
76 8.70 6.35 6.20 6.05 5.80 5.65 5.60 5.55 5.50 5.35 5.30 5.25 5.20 13.00 4.30 - 7.80
78 8.76 6.41 6.26 6.11 5.86 5.71 5.66 5.61 5.56 5.41 5.36 5.31 5.26 13.20 4.44 - 7.94
80 8.82 6.47 6.32 6.17 5.92 5.77 5.72 5.67 5.62 5.47 5.42 5.37 5.32 13.40 4.58 - 8.08
82 8.88 6.53 6.38 6.23 5.98 5.83 5.78 5.73 5.68 5.53 5.48 5.43 5.38 13.60 4.72 - 8.22
84 8.94 6.59 6.44 6.29 6.04 5.89 5.84 5.79 5.74 5.59 5.54 5.49 5.44 13.80 4.86 - 8.36
86 9.00 6.65 6.50 6.35 6.10 5.95 5.90 5.85 5.80 5.65 5.60 5.55 5.50 14.00 5.00 - 8.50
88 9.06 6.71 6.56 6.41 6.16 6.01 5.96 5.91 5.86 5.71 5.66 5.61 5.56 14.20 5.14 - 8.64
90 9.12 6.77 6.62 6.47 6.22 6.07 6.02 5.97 5.92 5.77 5.72 5.67 5.62 14.40 5.28 - 8.78
92 9.18 6.83 6.68 6.53 6.28 6.13 6.08 6.03 5.98 5.83 5.78 5.73 5.68 14.60 5.42 - 8.92
94 9.24 6.89 6.74 6.59 6.34 6.19 6.14 6.09 6.04 5.89 5.84 5.79 5.74 14.80 5.56 - 9.06
96 9.30 6.95 6.80 6.65 6.40 6.25 6.20 6.15 6.10 5.95 5.90 5.85 5.80 15.00 5.70 - 9.20
98 9.36 7.01 6.86 6.71 6.46 6.31 6.26 6.21 6.16 6.01 5.96 5.91 5.86 15.20 5.84 - 9.34
100 9.42 7.07 6.92 6.77 6.52 6.37 6.32 6.27 6.22 6.07 6.02 5.97 5.92 15.40 5.98 - 9.48
102 9.48 7.13 6.98 6.83 6.58 6.43 6.38 6.33 6.28 6.13 6.08 6.03 5.98 15.60 6.12 - 9.62
104 9.54 7.19 7.04 6.89 6.64 6.49 6.44 6.39 6.34 6.19 6.14 6.09 6.04 15.80 6.26 - 9.76
106 9.58 7.23 7.08 6.93 6.68 6.53 6.48 6.43 6.38 6.23 6.18 6.13 6.08 16.00 6.42 - 9.92
108 9.62 7.27 7.12 6.97 6.72 6.57 6.52 6.47 6.42 6.27 6.22 6.17 6.12 16.20 6.58 - 10.08
110 9.66 7.31 7.16 7.01 6.76 6.61 6.56 6.51 6.46 6.31 6.26 6.21 6.16 16.40 6.74 - 10.24
112 9.70 7.35 7.20 7.05 6.80 6.65 6.60 6.55 6.50 6.35 6.30 6.25 6.20 16.60 6.90 - 10.40
114 9.74 7.39 7.24 7.09 6.84 6.69 6.64 6.59 6.54 6.39 6.34 6.29 6.24 16.80 7.06 - 10.56
116 9.78 7.43 7.28 7.13 6.88 6.73 6.68 6.63 6.58 6.43 6.38 6.33 6.28 17.00 7.22 - 10.72
118 9.82 7.47 7.32 7.17 6.92 6.77 6.72 6.67 6.62 6.47 6.42 6.37 6.32 17.20 7.38 - 10.88
120 9.86 7.51 7.36 7.21 6.96 6.81 6.76 6.71 6.66 6.51 6.46 6.41 6.36 17.40 7.54 - 11.04
122 9.90 7.55 7.40 7.25 7.00 6.85 6.80 6.75 6.70 6.55 6.50 6.45 6.40 17.60 7.70 - 11.20
124 9.94 7.59 7.44 7.29 7.04 6.89 6.84 6.79 6.74 6.59 6.54 6.49 6.44 17.80 7.86 - 11.36
126 9.98 7.63 7.48 7.33 7.08 6.93 6.88 6.83 6.78 6.63 6.58 6.53 6.48 18.00 8.02 - 11.52
128 10.02 7.67 7.52 7.37 7.12 6.97 6.92 6.87 6.82 6.67 6.62 6.57 6.52 18.20 8.18 - 11.68
130 10.06 7.71 7.56 7.41 7.16 7.01 6.96 6.91 6.86 6.71 6.66 6.61 6.56 18.40 8.34 - 11.84
132 10.10 7.75 7.60 7.45 7.20 7.05 7.00 6.95 6.90 6.75 6.70 6.65 6.60 18.60 8.50 - 12.00
134 10.14 7.79 7.64 7.49 7.24 7.09 7.04 6.99 6.94 6.79 6.74 6.69 6.64 18.80 8.66 - 12.16
136 10.18 7.83 7.68 7.53 7.28 7.13 7.08 7.03 6.98 6.83 6.78 6.73 6.68 19.00 8.82 - 12.32
138 10.22 7.87 7.72 7.57 7.32 7.17 7.12 7.07 7.02 6.87 6.82 6.77 6.72 19.20 8.98 - 12.48
140 10.26 7.91 7.76 7.61 7.36 7.21 7.16 7.11 7.06 6.91 6.86 6.81 6.76 19.40 9.14 - 12.64
142 10.30 7.95 7.80 7.65 7.40 7.25 7.20 7.15 7.10 6.95 6.90 6.85 6.80 19.60 9.30 - 12.80

3-Ring Prices

To find the base price of your book, scroll down the first column to the number of pages you want printed, then scroll across to the column indicating the number of books you plan to order.

Minimum order is 100 books. Quantities over 3000 available. Call for pricing.

Cost Per Book : $0.00

Suggested Selling Price: $0.00

Profit Per Book: $0.00

Minimum order is 100 books. Quantities over 3000 available. Call for pricing. Suggested Selling Price
Recipes Pages / Books Books 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 3000 Per Book Profit Per Book
Prices are subject to change. Prices effective January 1, 2021.
up to 66 10.10 7.35 6.95 6.75 6.45 6.40 6.35 6.30 6.25 6.20 6.15 6.10 6.05 15.00 4.90 - 8.95
68 10.16 7.41 7.01 6.81 6.51 6.46 6.41 6.36 6.31 6.26 6.21 6.16 6.11 15.25 5.09 - 9.14
70 10.22 7.47 7.07 6.87 6.57 6.52 6.47 6.42 6.37 6.32 6.27 6.22 6.17 15.50 5.28 - 9.33
72 10.28 7.53 7.13 6.93 6.63 6.58 6.53 6.48 6.43 6.38 6.33 6.28 6.23 15.75 5.47 - 9.52
74 10.34 7.59 7.19 6.99 6.69 6.64 6.59 6.54 6.49 6.44 6.39 6.34 6.29 16.00 5.66 - 9.71
76 10.40 7.65 7.25 7.05 6.75 6.70 6.65 6.60 6.55 6.50 6.45 6.40 6.35 16.25 5.85 - 9.90
78 10.46 7.71 7.31 7.11 6.81 6.76 6.71 6.66 6.61 6.56 6.51 6.46 6.41 16.50 6.04 - 10.09
80 10.52 7.77 7.37 7.17 6.87 6.82 6.77 6.72 6.67 6.62 6.57 6.52 6.47 16.75 6.23 - 10.28
82 10.58 7.83 7.43 7.23 6.93 6.88 6.83 6.78 6.73 6.68 6.63 6.58 6.53 17.00 6.42 - 10.47
84 10.64 7.89 7.49 7.29 6.99 6.94 6.89 6.84 6.79 6.74 6.69 6.64 6.59 17.25 6.61 - 10.66
86 10.70 7.95 7.55 7.35 7.05 7.00 6.95 6.90 6.85 6.80 6.75 6.70 6.65 17.50 6.80 - 10.85
88 10.76 8.01 7.61 7.41 7.11 7.06 7.01 6.96 6.91 6.86 6.81 6.76 6.71 17.75 6.99 - 11.04
90 10.82 8.07 7.67 7.47 7.17 7.12 7.07 7.02 6.97 6.92 6.87 6.82 6.77 18.00 7.18 - 11.23
92 10.88 8.13 7.73 7.53 7.23 7.18 7.13 7.08 7.03 6.98 6.93 6.88 6.83 18.25 7.37 - 11.42
94 10.94 8.19 7.79 7.59 7.29 7.24 7.19 7.14 7.09 7.04 6.99 6.94 6.89 18.50 7.56 - 11.61
96 11.00 8.25 7.85 7.65 7.35 7.30 7.25 7.20 7.15 7.10 7.05 7.00 6.95 18.75 7.75 - 11.80
98 11.06 8.31 7.91 7.71 7.41 7.36 7.31 7.26 7.21 7.16 7.11 7.06 7.01 19.00 7.94 - 11.99
100 11.12 8.37 7.97 7.77 7.47 7.42 7.37 7.32 7.27 7.22 7.17 7.12 7.07 19.25 8.13 - 12.18
102 11.18 8.43 8.03 7.83 7.53 7.48 7.43 7.38 7.33 7.28 7.23 7.18 7.13 19.50 8.32 - 12.37
104 11.24 8.49 8.09 7.89 7.59 7.54 7.49 7.44 7.39 7.34 7.29 7.24 7.19 19.75 8.51 - 12.56
106 11.28 8.53 8.13 7.93 7.63 7.58 7.53 7.48 7.43 7.38 7.33 7.28 7.23 20.00 8.72 - 12.77
108 11.32 8.57 8.17 7.97 7.67 7.62 7.57 7.52 7.47 7.42 7.37 7.32 7.27 20.25 8.93 - 12.98
110 11.36 8.61 8.21 8.01 7.71 7.66 7.61 7.56 7.51 7.46 7.41 7.36 7.31 20.50 9.14 - 13.19
112 11.40 8.65 8.25 8.05 7.75 7.70 7.65 7.60 7.55 7.50 7.45 7.40 7.35 20.75 9.35 - 13.40
114 11.44 8.69 8.29 8.09 7.79 7.74 7.69 7.64 7.59 7.54 7.49 7.44 7.39 21.00 9.56 - 13.61
116 11.48 8.73 8.33 8.13 7.83 7.78 7.73 7.68 7.63 7.58 7.53 7.48 7.43 21.25 9.77 - 13.82
118 11.52 8.77 8.37 8.17 7.87 7.82 7.77 7.72 7.67 7.62 7.57 7.52 7.47 21.50 9.98 - 14.03
120 11.56 8.81 8.41 8.21 7.91 7.86 7.81 7.76 7.71 7.66 7.61 7.56 7.51 21.75 10.19 - 14.24
122 11.60 8.85 8.45 8.25 7.95 7.90 7.85 7.80 7.75 7.70 7.65 7.60 7.55 22.00 10.40 - 14.45
124 11.64 8.89 8.49 8.29 7.99 7.94 7.89 7.84 7.79 7.74 7.69 7.64 7.59 22.25 10.61 - 14.66
126 11.68 8.93 8.53 8.33 8.03 7.98 7.93 7.88 7.83 7.78 7.73 7.68 7.63 22.50 10.82 - 14.87
128 11.72 8.97 8.57 8.37 8.07 8.02 7.97 7.92 7.87 7.82 7.77 7.72 7.67 22.75 11.03 - 15.08
130 11.76 9.01 8.61 8.41 8.11 8.06 8.01 7.96 7.91 7.86 7.81 7.76 7.71 23.00 11.24 - 15.29
132 11.80 9.05 8.65 8.45 8.15 8.10 8.05 8.00 7.95 7.90 7.85 7.80 7.75 23.25 11.45 - 15.50
134 11.84 9.09 8.69 8.49 8.19 8.14 8.09 8.04 7.99 7.94 7.89 7.84 7.79 23.50 11.66 - 15.71
136 11.88 9.13 8.73 8.53 8.23 8.18 8.13 8.08 8.03 7.98 7.93 7.88 7.83 23.75 11.87 - 15.92
138 11.92 9.17 8.77 8.57 8.27 8.22 8.17 8.12 8.07 8.02 7.97 7.92 7.87 24.00 12.08 - 16.13
140 11.96 9.21 8.81 8.61 8.31 8.26 8.21 8.16 8.11 8.06 8.01 7.96 7.91 24.25 12.29 - 16.34
142 12.00 9.25 8.85 8.65 8.35 8.30 8.25 8.20 8.15 8.10 8.05 8.00 7.95 24.50 12.50 - 16.55
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